Yeah, I live in Taiwan now.
I've been here about two weeks. Short version of the story is that I visited and very quickly knew it was where I needed to be. I love Hong Kong, but it's not the place I should be living right now.
That being said, I love it here. I'm collecting places: my dry cleaning place, my breakfast places, my lunch places, chicken curry lady, 炒飯 guy, 白香绿茶 place. I have a routine and I love it. I have a bike, and am starting to get to know my way around. I'll post some pictures. Went to Ikea and got a bunch of furniture for my room. I'm living with a Japanese brother who's in a nearby Chinese congregation.
There's a Costco here! And a really tall building. And pollution and awesome food and cheap things and people that want to learn the truth and traffic and mopeds and humidity and roaches and happy people and hot springs and cheap massages.
So I've been here two weeks. That's as much updating as I'm willing to do now. More later. I love it here.