
Two new words

Decided I'd start today....
I don't think there's really going to be any real... method or logic to how I decide which two words I pick each day, but I'll keep a running vocab list in a notebook I can refer back to. I'll describe this approach in a later post perhaps, but I already do have a basic knowledge of Thai words, so what you WON'T see here is things like "why", "who" "eat" "drink" and other words Pimsleur teaches you. Been there, done that. What you might see is other words that I know how to say and use, but don't know how to spell or write; there might also be other, relatively simple, basic words that Pimsleur just hasn't addressed and I haven't looked up. That is to say, part of the process of progressing in a language is filling in the gaping holes in your vocabulary as you discover them. There'll be some of that too. So, for today, two words I feel like knowing how to write/say/read are:
1. Important- สำคัญ samR khanM (this is the pronunciation of the word. The 'r' dictates a 'rising' tone, and the 'm' a middle tone. 'L' is for 'low,' 'f' is for falling and 'h' is for high. I might not include all this romanization before long.)
(probably worthy of mention here that most all of this information is going to be coming from either Google Translate, or even more likely from www.thai-language.com, an absolutely wonderful Thai language resource, and so much more than a dictionary.)
2. Really- จริง ๆ jingM jingM The ๆ after the first word (as there are normally no spaces in Thai) is a character that represents a repeat of the word preceding it, instead of writing จริงจริง but that's how it's read.
There they are, the two vocabulary words for today. Something else I love about Thai-Language is that, when looking up either of the above words for example, there's a whole slew of other entries containing either of these individual words, everything from idioms to example sentences to colloquialisms to quotes, thereby allowing you to learn not only that one word, but possibly some very useful things based on it, which does wonders for retention and usability. I might occasionally include some of these example sentences or maybe sentences I've come up with in circumstances or using past vocabulary words. There's not much structure behind the two words except that I feel I would use them in day-to-day life. There we have it.

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