
Foreign Literature Greats

The Polyglot loves to discuss the "greats" of English literature - people like James Joyce, Hemingway and Poe. He's even posted lists of the greatest works of English literature so that we can go out and enlighten ourselves.

Well, I too, like great literature. I've been struggling as to how to communicate to you all who I think are the "greats" of foreign literature. I searched the web for inspiration. I found a site that so thoroughly explains these powerhouses of foreign writing, that it just doesn't make sense for me to rewrite it all. Instead, I provide you with this link. Go forth and enlighten yourselves.

Just Click Here, Mehsha


Affable Olive said...

That's wondeful. I think Poly would be VERY excited to see the greats of one of his bottom 10. Maybe it won't be a bottom 10 if he read some of these works.

Anonymous said...

lol! And I thought I was well-read!

Alan said...

I just wanted to take a moment to welcome myself back...
"Thank you."
I have a number of ostensibly (really) deep thoughts to post later, but something else will suffice for now.