
Start Something

Nothing deep or introspective here. I want to start my own business. I know I’m kind of self-employed (but not) because Dad started something and I’m working with him and it’s a family affair type thing, but I’d like to put a hobby/passion/talent of mine to use for revenue producing activities and manage it, run it, grow it, etc., put some of myself into something. Too bad none of my hobbies/whateveryoucallthems are conceivable options for such an enterprise, but I would really really like to have something like that to my name. It would be very nice to do. There’s something about that that I really want to be able to do, but in what capacity? (((none)))


Horse N. Buggy said...

Too bad you can't hire yourself out as a good conversationalist. You're very good at talkin'.

Elizabeth Escalante said...

Wait - HnB, let's think about this...

Haven't you ever been to a gathering where the converstaion lagged, people ended up sitting around just looking at each other and the only thing you could think of to suggest was a rousing game of scrabble?

Having someone around who could initiate great conversation on random topics like the origin of the word shenanigans and regale us with fabulous tales about dolphins attending the district convention would surely make any evening much more successful.

I'd hire him.

Affable Olive said...

You could go blind (like you said months ago(see I am an ISFJ)), since it would "fit your persona," and become a blind piano tuner, actually move to the UK and join that association and...TADA! you have a job combined with your hobby.

Horse N. Buggy said...

First of all, a rousing game of Scrabble is precisely my idea of a good time. Second of all, Poly is pretty much at all my gatherings so there's never a dull moment.

But yes, I say we should start taking him around to gatherings and tell them that this first appearance was free, but if they want him back, they're gonna have to go through his management team.

Elizabeth Escalante said...

Im a Scrabble fan, too.

It just doesn't usually go over that big when I suggest it at a party... must be hanging out with the wrong crowd. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think book reader is on to something. That would be great if you could support yourself with something you obviously enjoy so much!

Horse N. Buggy said...

The only slight problem I see with Book Reader's plan is that Poly has to pick ONE language.

Affable Olive said...

I don't see a problem. He could pick Russian or something since he's already fairly close to fluent in it. It doesn't mean he has to stop fiddiling around with the thousands of others