
She's Here!!!

Well, I say she, but I'm not quite sure yet.
The Piano is here.
It's actually not that far out of tune, but when it cools off in the AC of our living room it may be a little bit sharp. We'll have to wait and see. If it is, I'll have to wait until about mid-August to get it tuned.
It's not exactly (at all) the same model as Affie's, (hers is more [although (I think) not] like a cabinet grand) and is quite a bit darker (like actually brown instead of a light color), but goes with the furniture in the room, so Mom's not up in arms about it. This has changed my afternoon now. I was still working, and horribly interrupted by four hoodlum-types at my door. After it was moved, my house had a funk-smell and a few more flies than we had before (which means they let at least one in). I was planning on working late, but my definition of late has changed drastically in the past half hour, and I'm gonna be digging my piano books out and plugging away. Yippee.
I was also offered an organ today; NOT a kidney, liver, or heart (although that woulda been nice), but an electric organ. Long story short is a brother in our Hall whose sister is selling the house they grew up in has rather inherited a huge organ. His father used to play, and he said it's got the pedals, three levels (or whatever) of keys, but comes with a not-so-extra feature: some static in the sound. The organ is FREE, and also HUGE. This man is definitely one for numbers, a sciency, crazy professor type, and he couldn't give me a good round figure on the size of this thing. I casually mentioned to Mom that the office downstairs now has some free space and is fairly screaming for more furniture, nay, a gynormously large electric organ. But alas, despite my best, most casual and confident efforts, all hopes of acquiring a piano and an organ in the same month were washed down with mother's words (among her other reasonable arguments): "I hate organs." So that's out. But I haven't lost hope that any of my dear readers (counting them on one hand, and crossing them off of this list just as fast because none of you want it) would be interested in having an enormously large (and yet quite professional [save the static (which is probably easily fixable)]) organ, thus also arguing that I could reasonably visit someday for some food, if not (for the sole purpose) to play said organ. I leave you with that thought. All of my readers can readily contact me if they are interested. Thank you, and goodbye.


Alan said...

I forgot to apologize for my proliferate use of ((([[]]))). You can tell I'm slightly excited by my new acquisition. Also the ((([[]]))) is just the slightest of references to a favorite author of mine who did something not unsimilar in the beginning of a short story of his. 2) The parentheses are in lieu of my other favorite punctuation, as Affie can attest to, the semicolon; I love them. Of course, it goes without saying; Now I go.

Horse N. Buggy said...

Sorry. Your mother and I finally agree on something (other than you being so stinking cute). I also hate organs. But my dislike also extends to things like livers, gizzards, intestines, etc.

And as for the gender of the item, I think it is appropriate to call the piano a she. We would not, however, refer to the other instrument by any gender but the neutral. Lord knows, we couldn't tell people that you were down in your basement playing with your male (or female) organ.

Mehsha - pretend you never read that.

Anonymous said...

HnB, that may just be the funniest thing you have ever said!

Poly, I am so excited for you! I see how much you love me though. My seat isn't even cold yet and you are giving away the basement space for a "non gendered" organ!

Horse N. Buggy said...

Kimi, there's a seat for you at my house. :-)

Alan said...

Well, it would create a cool atmosphere. An old creepy organ in a basement in the bottom of the house, etc. etc. etc. I'd like to have it, and have hopefully convinced Affie that she needs it, so I can go play it sometime. I also have another culprit in mind, one of the members of the Couple Too Cool to Name. She'd take it I bet.

Horse N. Buggy said...

Sorry, your organ will not fit into their decor. And she ain't in charge of their decor - he is. If you could coat the organ in concrete, he may let you put it in his house...

Alan said...

Let's not forget the art room: wood floors, high cielings, and ALL her domain. She's the person that would spend oodles on an accordion just to press a few buttons. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd jump at the chance for an organ. I would ALSO not be surprised if she laughed in my face at the proposal